Augustin Viard started his musical learning journey through eclectic contemporary styles such as rock music and blues. In 2004, he joined the ondes Martenot class at the Conservatoire de Boulogne-Billancourt, headed by Pascale Rousse-Lacordaire. Five years later, he was admitted at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, studying in the ondes Martenot class of Valérie Hartmann-Claverie, from which he graduated in 2013 with a Master Degree.
His eagerness to explore new creative horizons allowed him to be involved in numerous contemporary creations, to engage in several chamber music groups (Hendricks' Quartet, Ensemble Vecteurs ondes, Ensemble Volta, Ensemble Traces d’Aujourd’hui) and to execute improvised music.
In 2012, he performed alongside the Ensemble Intercontemporain Ecuatorial from Edgard Varèse under leading conduction of Susanna Maälki. He also gave several performances of Jeanne d’arc au bûcher by Arthur Honegger, most notably in 2015 with Het promenade orkest conducted by Jos Vermunt, or in 2017 with the Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester, conducted by Andreas Hotz.
Augustin also released his first album with Ensemble Volta, a comprehensive collection of composer Tristan Murail’s works for ondes Martenot, through the label ReR Megacorp. This tribute was awarded Grand Prix du Président de la République de l'Académie Charles Cros 2014, an honor personally attributed by the French president.